Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015


Conversation 1 Doctor : Good morning, I am Doctor Fahri Husaini, and today you will be one of my assistant in cancer operation. Do you have prepared all the things that we want to use for that? Nurse : Yes sir, I have known it. But I haven’t got the instruction letter. I want to know what my responsibility for today sir. Could I get it, sir? Doctor : Yes you can take it on my desk. But I will explain to you what will you do today. You have to take care the patient today, the operation will begin ten more hours. So ten hours before the operation you have to take care the patient. All of the patient needs must be prepared by you. Nurse : Okay I will responsible with that sir. I hope I can have a good cooperation with this team sir. Doctor : Sure, by the way have you ever experienced in taking care of patient who ails cancer? Nurse : Actually this is my first experience in taking care the patient who ails cancer. Is it problem sir? Doctor : No, actually I know your track record as a nurse in this hospital, so I choose you as one of my assistant in today’s operation. But I want you to be careful and professional for that, because everything can be happened. Nurse : Yes sir, I will fully appreciate you trust. May I start my duty now sir? Doctor : Sure, good luck for your today’s duty. Good morning. Nurse : Okay sir. Good morning. Conversation 2 Doctor : Are you Fatimah who responsible with patient, Guwita Nasution? Nurse : Yes sir. What can I do for you sir? Doctor : Actually I want to know exactly about her condition until today. Does she get a better condition? Nurse : Actually, He still cannot eat every food. She still got the nutrition from infuse. But there is a progress in her condition, she can move her hands and feet. Doctor : Okay, I want you make a report about her condition progress. Is there any difficulty in taking care her? Nurse : As far as good sir. But sometimes, I am really disturbed by many people who visit her. They exceed the time that is appointed. It makes the atmosphere in her room is not conducive. I think you must tell to her family of that, because there is a time rule of visiting a patient. Doctor : Yes actually the conducive atmosphere will influence the condition progress of the patient. I will tell it latter to her family. Nurse : I want to ask about the medicine sir. Is there any additional medicine for her sir? Doctor : Oh yes, I want you to give this additional medicine. It will help make her condition better and don’t forget to write down the recipe in the letter report. Nurse : Okay sir, I will do that. May I continue my work now sir? Doctor : Oh Sure. Thank you for the nice discussion. Good morning Nurse : You’re welcome and good morning sir.

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